Friday, December 27, 2019

Never Met a Wise Man, If So It's a Woman

            “I see. You’re saying we should have done this ‘in-House’ the first time.”
            Barclay nodded, puffing on a blackroot cigarette. “The last one was a disaster.”
            “You think that the other side was involved?”
            Barclay took Mr. Bramble aside, to a corner of the apartment where Bramble’s subordinates were standing. “How well have you vetted them?”
            Bramble glanced back at them. “They’ve all been with me at least four years. I recruited each of them myself.”
            “That means very little to me, Brambles.”
            Mr. Brambles took a step back. Barclay respected Mr. Brambles – he had been loyal for nearly thirty years now, and had acted like a real Agent would when the schism began to break out. He went underground, sent out feelers, and behaved in a rational manner – suspicious, cautious, and self-interested. There were no declarations of loyalty, no passionate appeals to camaraderie. Nothing to suggest that he was trying to prove himself more trustworthy than he was.
            But at the same time, Mr. Brambles had been in long enough that he thought himself Barclay’s equal, and just as smart. Barclay certainly tried never to overestimate his own intelligence. Indeed, he even sometimes wondered if the errors he made – like when he had allowed that woman in Jack Milton’s bed to survive – were some subconscious desire to remain humble. The Milton affair yielded nothing – they hadn’t learned anything new about June Greene or her companions. And they had lost Milton and now, the story went, Milton had discovered some ability to destroy the faceless men.
            “Remember, Mr. Brambles, that our enemy is identical to us in most ways. The moment we allow ourselves to think we have outmaneuvered them is the moment they gain the advantage.”
            “You really are as paranoid as they say,” said Brambles.
            “Just because you’re paranoid don’t mean they’re not after you,” said Barclay.
            “What’s that from?”
            Barclay shook his head. “Not important.”
            Mr. Brambles shrugged. “So why the crappy suit?” The one they had selected for the interrogations was sitting in a garment bag, hung over the back of a chair.
            Barclay had to hold back a sigh. He missed the days when Mr. Brambles didn’t try to understand the underlying meaning of his orders. Again, Brambles felt he was one of the elite. Barclay never entertained such delusions. “Patterns have meaning. We don’t always see each iteration of the pattern, but the pattern holds power nonetheless.”
            “So the last guy wore something like this?”
            “He wore that one, actually. We had to clean his blood off of it.”
            Brambles frowned in disgust. “Similar build to me?”
            “We had it tailored as well.”
            “Well, pardon me if I find it a little discomforting to wear a dead man’s suit and do his job in the same place he got his throat sliced out.”
            “Ok, I pardon you. But you still have to do it.”
            “And what about this guy? Four Eyes? What do we want to get out of him?”
            “I’ll let you know when you find it.”
            This time, Mr. Brambles accepted it like a good House Agent.
            There was no ashtray in the apartment – it was enough of a luxury for them to get the ratty old couch for Brambles’ team to sit on. All in all, Barclay wasn’t too concerned about their loyalty. The faceless man in the corner of the room that only he could see would ensure that.

            “Do you know what time it is?” asked the man James Tarson thought of a Mr. Cheap, and who went by the codename Mr. Brambles, but was born with the name Clifford H. Anvar.
            Tarson leaned against the glass wall that separated them, and from Mr. Cheap’s point of view, his voice was distorted through the crappy intercom system that allowed communication from his cell. “No.”
            “Good,” said Mr. Cheap, and he made note of it in his book. “Please answer the following questions. Do you believe that you can trust the reality you see?”
            “I don’t know.”
            “When were you recruited for the House?”
            “Nine years ago, in Reben.”
            “How old were you when you were recruited?”
            “Uh… it was spring so I was twenty-three.”
            “And what Agent recruited you?”
            “Six Coins.”
            “Do you know what Six Coins’ real name was?”
            “Sir Roderick Candel, RAS.”
            “Where is he now?”
            “Buried, I assume. He’s dead.”
            “Tell me if you have heard of the following people. Henry Thall.”
            “Jack Milton.”
            “Jeremy Ford?”
            “No… wait, yes. He’s an assassin based in Wolfsmouth.”
            “Do you know that he was the one who killed Six Coins?”
            Tarson stepped back. “No.”
            “You might take some satisfaction in knowing that he also perished in the attack.”
            “Not really.”
            “More names. Rosanna Jaroka.”
            “Can you tell us who she is?”
            “Stag’s Head terrorist. Hired killer.”
            “And where she is?”
            “The Narcians got her. That’s what I know.”
            “Sky Dawson.”
            “June Greene.”
            “Tarra Woods.”
            “Eclerion, formerly known as James Arden.”
            “No… is that…?”
            Mr. Cheap looked up. “Yes?”
            “No, never mind.”
            Mr. Cheap closed his book. “You were fairly well-connected in the House, were you not?”
            “I suppose you could say that.”
            “When did you become aware of the schism?”
            “Later than I would have liked.”
            “Do you know the Diplomat?”
            Tarson sighed. “Not personally. I’ve heard of him.”
            “That puts you in quite the privileged position. You know, as envisioned, any Agent of the House is not meant to be aware of anyone except their direct superiors and subordinates, and to be ignorant of their placement within the ultimate hierarchy of its agents.”
            “Yet here you are. I’m assuming we’re both Agents?”
            Mr. Cheap nodded with a smile. “Colleagues and co-workers, my friend.”
            “Are you recruiting me?”
            At this, Mr. Cheap’s smile mutated from a warm one into a patronizingly mournful one. “I’m afraid not.” Cheap set aside his book altogether and leaned forward. “One last name. And I know you know who it is. I want to hear your opinion on him.”
            “Renford Harren.”

            Renford Harren was the Thiefmaster of the Rookery – publicly, that made him the leader of the entire organization, though in fact, there was a true leader given the style of Lord or Lady Crow, to whom Harren reported.
            Their meetings were sporadic, but always planned in advance. Harren was a public figure and thus could not always be sure that ordinary people would not notice him, so despite the complications that it entailed, their meetings would often take place within the Rookery building itself, or perhaps more accurately, beneath it.
            All these passages had been walked by the Queen, which troubled him. Yes, Tarson had been captured – privately he resented that they had chosen that as his designation, but it had stuck. The previous meeting with Lady Crow had predated that capture, and so Harren had been looking forward to this meeting with many questions rattling in his head.
            “Sir, this way,” said the pleasant young man who worked in the nondescript office at the end of the eastern hall on the 24th floor. He welcomed the Thiefmaster into the office, closed the door, and the two of them began the sweep, searching for any sort of listening devices or hidden cameras.
            “You good, Johnson?” said Harren once he had completed his sweep.
            Johnson held up a finger. “One moment, just another drawer.” He removed the last drawer form his filing cabinet and shined his pocket-torch into the hole, then ran his fingers along the drawer’s rails. “Yes sir, I believe I am clear.”
            “Same. Let us proceed.”
            Johnson reached behind the cabinet and tripped the latch, which allowed the door hidden behind it to swing open. “Good to see you, Thiefmaster,” he said, and Harren walked in.
            The descent was down a tunnel of black brick. There was no light, but he easily navigated it by touch and memory. A Thiefmaster who was unable to climb down such a shaft had little business in that position, or so the logic went.
            Still, there was little opportunity to rebuild the passages with new traps and enigmas, and so he swiftly manipulated the levers and hidden switches and buttons that were needed to cross the labyrinth that sat below the Rookery. He found it all a bit theatrical, but if Lady Crow’s suspicions were correct, the Queen may have inherited this obsessive obfuscation from her true benefactors.
            At the center of the labyrinth was a cell that looked more like some kind of deep-sea exploration vessel than a conference room. But it was soundproof, windowless, and magically warded such that no one could possibly overhear what was said inside.
            He cranked the valve on the door and stepped inside. Lady Crow was already sitting there, always the first to arrive.
            “M’lady,” he responded.
            Lady Crow was an old woman. At his best estimate, he assumed she was somewhere between 65 and 70, though given her pluck and energy, she could be a well-preserved 80 for all he knew. She wore a simple grey dress and kept her hair tied up. Despite being in his late 50s, Harren felt like a child in her presence.
            The selection of Lord or Lady Crow was by Queen Elona herself. Sometimes they were drawn from the ranks of the Rookery – actually, that was usually the case, and though Harren had not ever worked with her prior to their promotions, he suspected she was an old veteran thief.
            “So, naturally you’ve seen about this Tarson chap.”
            “I’ve seen both that he was captured and then lost, yes.”
            “His exposure seems to confirm Yasik’s suspicions. But I take it you don’t find this answer satisfying.”
            “Do you?” she asked.
            “No. His disappearance is troubling.”
            “Certainly. You’ve sent Nascine on this mission?”
            “She’s not too close to it?”
            “I believe she is properly motivated.”
            Lady Crow nodded. “And you told her about your suspicions about the Queen?”
            “I did. Months ago.”
            “Does she trust you?”
            “I think she is dutiful.”
            “That is not a terribly satisfying answer.” Lady Crow stood up. “I have a man in Narcia. Well, many, but I have a particular man in Narcia with contacts in Arizradna.”
            “According to this source, the House has found someone exhibiting NMAP, and is seeking to recruit them.”
            “Non-magical arcane phenomena.”
            “That sounds like a contradiction in terms.”
            “It’s not. Do you know what the largest example of NMAP is in the world?”
            “The Path of Aeoes.” Harren sat back. The Path of Aeoes – the shimmering, faint column of light that extended from the center of the Sarona desert up into the cosmos – was said to be the path that the creator-god traveled before settling on this world, Sarona-Ki, which in the old Arizi meant “Solid Ground.”
            “What is that supposed to suggest?”
            “The House is attempting to recruit a human god.”
            Harren grinned. “Can you imagine how excited the world’s conspiracy theorists would be to know that those words were uttered in this chamber?”
            “Renford, try to take this seriously.”
            “That is my intention.”
            “We have lived our lives in this country with an extraordinary fact staring us in the face. Our Queen is thousands of years old, and yet looks as if she has never suffered from any of the harmful effects of age. Not once since she took power has any significant challenge to her rule made the slightest bit of progress. She is this nation’s god, for all intents and purposes, as solidly as the Narcians worship their trio, or Sardok has Ashtor.”
            “So, why would such a powerful entity allow herself to be submersed within the hierarchy of the House?”
            Lady Crow took a deep breath. “I don’t believe she has. I believe that she is the House.”

(Copyright Daniel Szolovits 2019)

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